Community Outreach


Monthly Food Pantries

From February to December in the cold, rain or heat we are out at 3100 Las Vegas Trail providing the community with groceries every 1st Saturday of the month. (this can change if a holiday occurs on the first Saturday) Volunteers are always welcome.

Back to School

Starting in July we will start collecting school supplies and backpacks to get ready for our Back to School give away. We supply kids from pre-k to 12th grade or college students who need supplies to get the school year started.

Thanksgiving Baskets

Last year we provided over 700 families with Thanksgiving Baskets. They received a turkey, corn, green beans, dressing and cranberry sauce. We start taking donations of the above items starting in October.

CHRISTMAS Extravaganza

The story of Christmas, crafts, hot cocoa, cookies and bike raffles. A time for families to have fellowship and enjoy the spirit of Christmas. Over 500 kids went home with gifts. Toy Drive starts in November.


Western Hills Elementary and WESTERN Hills Primary School

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We have partnered with these schools and provide them with funds to help with teacher appreciation, supplies for events, uniforms and under clothes for kids who need them and to help them throughout the school year.

Easter extravaganza


Egg Hunts, activities, bounce houses, train rides, food and Sunday Service. The Las Vegas Trail is very transient and many families move hear from different city’s and states not having family or places to enjoy holidays. We don’t want them just to come but to come and meet the Restoration Family.

FLR. future leaders of restoration

A mentor ship program provided to 4th and 5th grade boys to help them become leaders in the community. They learn affirmations, go on field trips and help do community service at our mobile food pantries.